Soldier Beetle (Cantharidae)
Whilst walking up the buy alley at Stoborough Heath I came across this soldier beetle clinging to the top of gorse. It kindly posed for me for quite some time, which allowed me to switch from my Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens to my Zuiko Olympus OM 38mm F2.8 macro lens. For the latter, I attached my camera to my Velbon Super Mag Slider and mounted that onto a tripod. The result a pleasing eye to eye shot at 4x magnification.
Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens shot
4x magnification with the Zuiko Olympus OM 38mm F2.8 macro lens
Camera: Olympus OM 4 ti
Film: Fuji Velvia 50 positive