Monitor Calibration & View from Toscaig (2)
Recent feedback on a photo forum made me take a look at re-calibrating my monitor. Previously I would borrow a monitor calibrator from a colleague at work, but they have since left plus I felt it time I owned one myself. This led me to a purchase a Huey, which I am very pleased with. Firstly, it immediately made a big difference to the colour rendition of the monitor and secondly it continuously re-calibrates as the ambiance of the light changes during the day.
Having re-calibrated the monitor I looked at the two recent pictures I posted from my holiday in Scotland and noted that I had over adjusted the highlights and shadows, resulting in a desaturisation of the Velvia colours, leading to a very bland flat image.
These two shots taken on the same walk have not had the highlights and shadows adjusted, keeping that rich Velvia saturated look.

Lens: Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8
Filter: Circular Polariser
Exposure compensation: +1/3

Lens: Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8
Filter: Circular Polariser