Allt a’Choire Dhuibh, Torridon
This set of landscape shots were also from my holiday in Scotland, all from a few walks very close together in the same mountain region. On one of them the starting point was quite close to where we were staying, just a short drive away, but the actual walk was hard work going straight up the side of the mountain. I stopped a lot to admire the view a fair few times, always a great excuse for a rest, and I admit I did not get all the way to the top as my fear of heights finally got the better of me. The use of a tripod was definitely needed as my hands were not steady!
Hope you enjoy them and as normal by clicking on one image you can easily rotate through the set.
All taken on Fuji Velvia 50 slide film.
This one was with my Zuiko Olympus OM 24mm F2 lens, F11.

The rest of the shots were taken with my Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 lens at F16.
Looking to the right on one of those rests on that steep climb walk.
If you look closer you can see the car park in the middle of the shot. On this one I found the best result of the 3 bracketed shots taken to be with an exposure compensation of +1/3 dialed in.

Looking to the left …

A different walk.

and last a shot of one of the waterfalls (there were several around due to the lovely amount of water falling from the sky). I used a warm up filter on this shot.