Zoom bursts
This autumn I tried out for the first time a different photographic technique for a landscape shot, known as zoom burst. This is where, once you have composed your shot, you rotate your zoom lens while the shutter is still open. Here I used my Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 lens, rotating all the way through the zoom range.
To achieve the affect I used the manual bulb mode available with my Olympus OM 4ti camera. The camera was also set on a tripod, and I used a cable release to prevent any blur caused by camera shake due to the length of time the shutter was going to remain open.
With this being the first time I trialled different lengths of time. Both shots here were taken at Anderwood in the New Forest on Fuji Sensia 100 RA-669 slide film at an aperture of F16.
1st shot was with 1 second. I count with the word elephant and this is why it is called 1 elephant.

and this one was with 4 elephants