A sunny day at Sopley Common
What a difference the weather can make, one week later and the sun was out! Instead of having to scout around for detail (see “A grey day in January over at Sopley Common”) there was the opportunity to take more panoramic landscape shots, and I headed out to Sopley Common again.
Here are my 3 favourite shots from the day, all of which were taken on a roll of Fuji Velvia 50 slide film.
This is the view you have from the top of a ridge at Sopley Common, with my Zuiko Olympus OM 24mm F2 lens at an aperture of F8, and the lens set at the hyperfocal distance.
(Clicking on any image will allow you to cycle through all in this post)

Further along the path, that also goes down a steep incline, part of the ground was flooded, resulting in this shot looking across the water. Here again I used my Zuiko Olympus OM 24mm F2 lens, aperture of F8 and the lens focused at the hyperfocal distance.

Finally, I found this log surrounded by ice and liked the contrasting colour elements between the foreground and background. Here I used my Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 lens at F11 with a circular polariser attached to bring out the ice. I also dialed in an exposure compensation of -2/3.