Badbury Rings
In the middle of February I went to Badbury Rings a National Trust site in Dorset, close to Wimborne, in search of more snowdrops and other spring flowers. Unfortunately there were not many about on the path I took, one or two tired looking specimens. Ended up taking a couple of pictures of different subjects all with my Zuiko Olympus OM 90mm F2 lens, on Kodak Elitechrome ED3 200 slide film.
About half way up the path I came across “Old man’s beard”, and since looking up on the web also know as “traveller’s joy”. Taken at F11.

Then I came across some Catkins, and composed an image where there were some Catkins also blurred in the background, again at F11.

and finally, with the sun disappearing in out of clouds, I waited and managed to catch this shot (F11) of the sunshine hitting this gate at the end of the path. My personal favourite of the day.