A few macro shots from Bentley Wood
Here are a few macro shots that I took in late July of this year at Bentley Wood. All were taken on Fuji Sensia 200 slide film at F5.6 (Click on an image to get a larger view)
First up is a female large skipper that I found resting on some fern.

Zuiko Olympus OM 135mm F4.5 macro lens.
It stayed around long enough to switch my lens to the Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens and pose for a underwing shot

A while later I came across this Gatekeeper & Silver-washed fritillary, taken using the Zuiko Olympus OM 135mm F4.5 macro lens.
- Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus)

and finally I came across this male common darter. Not sure why but I kind of like the angle of it. Also with the Zuiko Olympus OM 135mm F4.5 macro lens.