Chalkhill Blues & a Marbled White at Broadcroft Quarry (Portland)
Visited Broadcroft Quarry at Portland in early August to take photo’s of the Chalkhill Blue (Polyommatus coridon), having located them there last year. Again wasn’t to be disappointed and the weather was good, though a bit windy. All taken on Fuji Sensia 200 slide film. (Click any image for a bigger picture).
It didn’t take long to find the first Chalkhill Blue, found to the left of the path after a short walk from the car.

Zuiko Olympus OM 135mm F4.5 lens at F8
The next was found resting in a thistle, allowing me to switch to the Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens, shooting at F5.6. I used the telescopic auto tube 65-116 to alter the magnification between the 2 shots shown here.

Next came across a female Chalkhill Blue feeding

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens, F5.6

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens, F5.6
Next up a pair roosting

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens, F5.6
One landed on the ground close to me.

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens, F8
The last couple of a male chalkhill blue hanging on.

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens, F8

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens, F8.
and finally managed to get a shot of this Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) before running out of film.