In the middle of February I took a visit to Kimmeridge Bay on the Dorset Jurassic coast, taking along the E620 digital camera again. I used both digital lenses that I own, the Olympus 14-42mm F3.5 lens & Olympus 70-300mm F4 lens. Pretty much immediately came across this pipit on the shore line at the bottom of the steps from the car park. I think it is a water pipit but not 100% certain, as it could also be a rock pipit.
The pipit kindly made it’s way through the stones towards me.

Olympus 70-300mm F4 lens, at F8, 1/125, ISO 320.
occasionally peeking above or around stones.

Olympus 70-300mm F4 lens, at F8, 1/100, ISO 320.

Olympus 70-300mm F4 lens, at F8, 1/100, ISO 320.
I walked along the shore line around the bay, heading away from the folly, Clavell Tower, towardsHobarrow Bay. For all the following landscape shots (except the sun set) I took 3 bracheted shots with the Olympus 14-42mm F3.5 lens, then HDR fused in Photomatix Pro 4.1.4 and lifted the detail out with Topaz Detail.
These two looking back from the shoreline across Kimmeridge Bay towards the Clavell Tower.

Olympus 14-42mm F3.5 lens, at F20, ISO 400.

Olympus 14-42mm F3.5 lens, at F20, ISO 400
You will find steps leading back up the cliffs once you have scrambled around the rocks onto a more level rock face at the point. At the top of the steps if you turn left you can walk to get a very good view of the cliffs and Hobarrow Bay.
I took this shot looking back across the fields towards Kimmeridge bay.

Olympus 14-42mm F3.5 lens, at F20, ISO 100
and this is the panorama view of the cliffs & Hobarrow bay.

Olympus 14-42mm F3.5 lens, at F20, ISO 100
and this is a close up of the cliffs

Olympus 70-300mm F4 lens, at F20, ISO 100.
and finally a sun set shot across Hobarrow Bay.

Olympus 70-300mm F4 lens, at F20, ISO 100
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Love the Harrowbay images, you’ve really brought out the strata detail.
Many thanks for your kind comment Chris.