Garston Wood Flowers, Macro and a Pheasant
This is a selection of flower & macro shots taken at Garston Wood in the last couple of months. Oh and a pheasant, which is first up.

Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) E620 & Olympus 70-300mm F4 digital lens at f8. ISO 400. 1/640 (Image cropped).
Next are flowers, both Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) & Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria). I have only found 1 patch of snowdrops in this wood, in the bottom hand corner furthest away from the car park.
On the first image, I focused on the bottom left snowdrop in trying to do something different. Not sure it works.

Olympus OM 90mm F2 macro lens at F4. -1 exposure compensation. Fuji Sensia 200 slide film.
Then looking through a bunch to a couple at the back.

Zuiko Olympus OM 90mm F2 macro lens at F2.8. -1 exposure compensation. Fuji Sensia 200 slide film.
and 1 on its own

Zuiko Olympus OM 90mm F2 macro lens at F2. +1 exposure compensation. Fuji Velvia 50 slide film.
Last of the flowers is the Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) with a Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) as a back drop.

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens at F5.6. Fuji Velvia 50 slide film. (Image cropped)
The first 2 macro shots are of the weirdiest weevil I have ever seen, identified as the Cramp-ball Fungus Weevil (Platyrhinus resinosus)

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens at F16. Fuji Sensia 200 slide film.

3.5x taken at Garston Wood. Zuiko Olympus OM 38mm F2.8 macro lens at F16. Fuji Sensia 200 slide film.
A Bee-fly (Bombyliidae) and if you want to learn about them, information found here. One insect I see regularly but struggle to capture, and this is not the greatest.

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens at F11. Fuji Sensia 200 slide film.
and finally a hover fly.

Zuiko Olympus OM 80mm F4 macro lens at F8. Fuji Velvia 50 slide film.
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