Blue Bells & Rapeseed landscapes
As you know the weather has not been particularly kind this year, and the impact was very much in evidence with this year’s blue bell display at Garston Wood. However, over several visits was fortunate to experience brief breaks to take a couple of pleasing pictures of the blue bell display, and also this year photograph the rapeseed flowering in the field behind.
First up the blue bell shots, which are 2 shots combined in photoshop. 1 in focus, and the other out of focus, loaded as layers and then fading the opacity & fill strength of the out of focus shot top layer to achieve the effect.

Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 ED lens at F16 with P028 Cokin warm up filter on Fuji Velvia 50 slide film

Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 ED lens at F11 on Kodak Elitechrome 100 slide film
Then the rapeseed field

Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 ED lens at F16 with +1 exposure compensation on Fuji Velvia 50 slide film

Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 ED lens at F16 with +1 exposure compensation on Fuji Velvia 50 slide film
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