
A selection of Damselflies & Dragonflies

This selection of damselfly & dragonfly pictures were taken during May & early June this year, on both film and digital at several locations, Whitemill, Fiddleford Manor & Kilwood. First up are the dragonflies.

I think this is a Downy Emerald (Cordulia aenea) dragonfly. Confirmed that this a female downy emerald on the UK Dragonflies, and this is the link to their site.

Downy Emerald Dragonfly?
Downy Emerald Dragonfly?














Taken at Kilwood on Kodak Elitechrome ED3 200 slide film using the Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6

Then a Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa) also taken at Kilwood.

Broad-bodied Chaser
Broad-bodied Chaser















Kodak Elitechrome ED3 200 slide film using the Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6


Now the damselflies, and first a Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) taken both on film & digital. The film shot is 1st.

Large Red Damselfly
Large Red Damselfly














Taken at Whitemill on Kodak Elitechrome EBX 100 slide film using the Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6

then the Digital, which I like for its pose of resting its head on the leaf whilst sun bathing

Digital Large Red Damselfly
Digital Large Red Damselfly
















A Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens)

Banded Demoiselle
Banded Demoiselle
















Taken at Whitemill using the Olympus 70-300mm f/4-5.6 digital lens at F8, ISO 400

My first ever capture of a White-legged Damselfly (Platycynemis pennipes)

White-legged Damselfly
White-legged Damselfly
















Taken at Whitemill using the Olympus 70-300mm f/4-5.6 digital lens at F11, ISO 400

and finally a yet to be identified damselfly species taken at Fiddleford Manor on Kodak Elitechrome ED3 200 slide film using the Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6.

Now identified as a recently emerged male azure damselfly (Coenagrion puella) also on the UK Dragonflies site.

Unknown damselfly species
Unknown damselfly species


I have been shooting nature with Olympus digital & Olympus OM camera gear on film since 2004

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