Higher Hyde Heath in June
Across the middle of June I visited Higher Hyde Heath in the search for dragonflies. However, although there was a poor showing there were instead a varied selection of damselflies to be found. Prior to this year I have not taken many shots, apart from the beautiful or banded demoiselles, so my identification skills are somewhat limited. All of these images were taken using my last few rolls of Fuji Sensia 400 slide film, which has now been decomissioned.
My favourite was spotting the Blue-tailed damselfly (Ischnura elegans)

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6.

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6.
Next are a couple yet to be properly identified white & green damselflies. Now identified on the UK Dragonfly site, with this being a teneral azure male.

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F8.
and this a azure female

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6.
and what I think are male & female Emerald damselflies. Now identified on the UK Dragonfly site, with the latter being an immature female Emerald.

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6.

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6.
and the last of the damsel shots being a Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6.
I also found a Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)

Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens at F5.6
and finally I took along my new toy the Olympus 8mm F2.8 lens and took a picture of this foxglove.

Olympus 8mm F2.8 fisheye lens at F5.6.
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