3D image trial – New Forest – Update 15 Jul 13
Bob posted a 3D image recently on the Pixalo forum, and so I decided to give it a go myself. This is by no means an expert tutorial, more a step by step of how I produced my first 3D picture. By the way you will need 3D glasses to get the full effect, without it will just look plain weird.
The 2 shots used to produce the final image were taken at the New Forest whilst on a macro photography trip… so not the best of subjects, trees, and not the sharpest of landscape lens, a 90mm designed more for macro.
The pictures were taken very quickly together, using a wide ‘ish’ standing stance. The 1st taken when leaning and putting the weight on the left leg (Left image) and the 2nd leaning with the weight on the right leg, and you guessed it called the right image. Aperture f8, ISO 200.
I opened up in Camera raw once back home and synchronised the settings of the images, saving as JPEGs. I then used a free 3D maker, called StereoPhoto Maker. Link included. I haven’t used, in anyway, the full capabilities of this application. I will say I found it easy to use after some advice.
Opened the 2 shots via the left/right option, selecting the left image 1st. clicking open. Then selecting the right image, clicking open.
I then clicked the auto-align button from the tool bar (towards far right) once the 2 images appeared on screen.
Then selected the easy adjustment to the left of the auto-align, and clicked ok.
Reviewed the different alternatives from the drop down beside the colour anaglyph (left of the easy adjustment button) before finally deciding on the one I preferred.
Finally, saved as stereo image renaming the image accordingly.
This is the result
3D image of a cow taken at Throop.