Olympus 20mm F2 macro lens
I have managed to add to my collection of Olympus OM gear with the Olympus 20mm F2 macro lens along with the Olympus VST-1 macro stand & auto bellows. The available magnifications ranges, when the Olympus 20mm F2 macro lens is combined with the auto bellows, are between 5.3× to 13.6×.
For this first trial I attached my Olympus OM-D EM-5 digital camera and used a dead Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor) as the subject, focusing on the wing to test out the two macro magnifications extremes . A small torch to the side of the macro stand was used to provide a constant source of lighting.
I took 4 images at each magnification and then stacked in Photoshop.
This is at approx 5.5x

and this is at the maximum bellows extension, approx 13x