Butterfly photos from the weekend
The title of this post is only slightly misleading in that all of the photo’s bar 1 relate to butterflies from the weekend just gone at 3 different locations, Broadcroft Quarry, Alners Gorse and Lydlinch Common. The one aberration is that of a Common Darter dragonfly, the last photo in this post.
The first few shots are of a butterfly I have neither spotted nor photographed before, the Clouded Yellow butterfly (Colias croceus). I was fortunate to find these at Lydlinch Common, including this pair. Although I did not manage to get both in sharp focus I do like they way the one on the underneath of the leaf looks to certain extent like a reflection of the one above.
A portrait of one.
They appeared to prefer to rest on a plant with yellow flowers, unsure which as plant identification is not my forte. Anyway here is a record shot of the above at a longer focal length to show the plant more fully.
The next specie of butterfly, is the Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) found at both Alners Gorse and Lydlinch Common. 1st is from Alners Gorse and 2nd taken at Lydlinch Common.
Next up are Chalk-hill Blues (Lysandra coridon) and a Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) spotted at Broadcroft Quarry on Portland.
The Chalk-hill Blues
You may think with the next shot that for the background I used a colour card or altered this in Photoshop, however you would be wrong, it is in fact a greyish patch of ground.
The Common Blue butterfly
I also saw lots of chrysalis, which butterflies emerge from.
and finally the aberration, the Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) photographed at Alners Gorse.
Broadcroft Quarry map
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Alners Gorse map
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Lydlinch Common
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