Christchurch Common dragons
I visited Christchurch Common yesterday for the 1st time. This common is a large area of heath with shallow peaty pools that straddles the old Ringood to Christchurch railway, and is accessed via a layby opposite the entrance to the Avon Causeway pub.
According to Hampshire Dragonflies it is a perfect habitat for Black Darters, Emerald Damselflies and Small Red Damselflies, as well as being a prime site for all six native reptile species.
The Hampshire Dragonfly site also mentions that feeding and resting Hawkers may be seen along the track that follows the old railway, along with Broad-bodied Chasers, Four-spotted Chasers and Emperors around the pools earlier in the season.
It took a while to locate some of the shallow peaty pools, the majority with little water. Apparently this Common is also prone to flooding when there are adverse weather conditions. FYI all of the pools I found are to the left of the railway track.
It was at the last pool, where there was a lot more water, that I sighted and photographed both the Black Darter (Sympetrum danae) and Small Red (Ceriagrion tenellum).
The 1st set of images are of the Black Darter, both an immature male and an adult female, including a 5 image stack. The final shot is the Small Red damselfly.
Immature male Black Darter dragonfly

The female Black Darter dragonfly. The 1st is a 5 F4 images stacked.

The Small Red damselfly

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