Bee’s Abound
Even though spring has yet to really warm up the Bee’s are still abound pollinating the flowers, and this particular set of Adrena family bees (more commonly known as solitary bees) were found enjoying the Dandelion flower pollen in the fields surrounding Whitemill.
The first was found climbing around the side of the Dandelion.

I decided to also portrait crop the image to give it greater impact.

I managed to get several decent images of this next solitrary bee as it remained on the Dandelion flower for quite sometime.
A profile shot

Here the bee seems to me may have preferred it to be taken from its better side!

Though it did appear to get over it as it then showed off it’s bee style!

I also managed to capture it just before it dived back down into the heart of the flower for the pollen.

and this is the last bee found on the day.

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