Olympus 60mm F2.8 lens review
I recently added the Olympus 60mm F2.8 macro lens to my Olympus camera equipment collection, and it made its 1st few outings to Blashford Lakes nature reserve over the last few weekends.
This is a dedicated lightweight macro lens that lets you take 1:1 photo’s at close range, and offers continuous focusing from 1:1 to infinity. It comes with a focus dial to easily change the possible focus range (0.19‑0.4m or 0.19m‑infinity or 0.4‑infinity) and it is dust and splashproof.
Anyway enough of the technical blurb, here are the best of my initial results from the last few weeks. All hand held, taken in natural light, on the Olympus EM5 MkII camera.
A portrait of a bugle (Ajuga reptans).

A Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo).

Finally a couple of a Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta)
Face on

and a profile shot.

I will provide more insights on it’s capabilitiies once after more serious use.
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