Blashford flies
It is only over the last couple of weeks that many of the insects are starting to show due to the cold spring that we have had this year, and one of the first to show are flies in many different shapes, sizes and colours.
This is a collection of the flies that I have managed to photograph at Blashford Lakes nature reserve over the last week or so, some of which I have not seen or photographed before let alone then successfully identified!
So starting with the new.
A Xylota abiens hoverfly

This Tenthredo atra sawfly

Next are the ones I am struggling to ID.
I believe the first couple belong to the Hoverfly family.

In the next shot the Hoverfly is showing it’s mouthpart.

and this one may belong to the Blowfly (Calliphoridae) family.

This final set are flies that I have either seen before or when forunate enough also photoagraphed.
A Rhogogaster viridis sawfly.

A couple of a damselfly face on using blue card in the background.

and last of all a Land Caddis (Enoicyla pusilla)

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