Westerdale village walk & Red Grouse on Farndale Moor
The westerdale village walk started from our self catering cottage, and as it was ciruclar it also finished there. The walk took us across fields, offering a glimpse of Westerdale Hall and also some pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) amongst the long grass.

The path through the fields eventually linked up with the Esk Valley walk path that skirts Hograh Moor.

We headed in the direction of Baysdale Moor before the return to the property. This pleasant morning stroll offered up good views of the surrounding moorland.

In the afternoon we then headed over to Blakey Ridge and Farndale Moor, another part of the Esk Valley walk route that skirts around Bransdale, in the hope of photographing more Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus) in the flowering heather.

Thankfully we were not to be disappointed, and this is a selection from the afternoon.

and last of all my personal favourite.

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