Solitary but not alone
This post is again exclusively photo’s of Solitary bees from the fields and meadows along the banks of the River Stour. Although solitary in name they are not alone at this time of year as you will find many of them in and amongst the flowering dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
I have classified all of the following as Andrena bees as I am a novis when it comes to identifying what genus a particular bee belongs to.
This time I also used filters or cards in the background on some, though starting out with ones with natural backdrops.

This next one had a very distinctive red abdomen, so named it Red!

I placed a dandelion that had gone to seed behind the bee for these next two.

Now the ones with a filter or card in the backgroud, and first with a dark blue filter.

and this last set with a pink card.

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