Skomer Island Puffins – The Return
I’ve been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to return to Skomer Island to see the Puffins (Fratercula arctica), at around the same time as last year. The forecast for the day was rain, heavy at times, in the morning with the likelihood of clearing in the afternoon, though this didn’t put us off.
For once the forecast was corret, greeted with rain at the beginning of the day, and so on landing on Skomer Island we headed north towards Garland Stone instead of going straight to the Wick to see the Puffins. Our cunning plan/hope was for the weather to improve by the time we had walked around the Island to the Wick.
The plan worked! The afternoon was glorious and I am glad to report that the Puffins still return to the Island.
The first puffin sighting was this fellow hiding behind a tuft of grass as we approached the Wick.

The next Puffin was’nt camera shy at all, in fact it was more than happy to show off all of its best features

I thnk it’s posing started to go to it’s head as it began to act a little strange.

before promptly flying off….

And there was one more prior to arriving at the Wick itself with a dazzling background.

There were lots more on show at the Wick, at times you didnt know which way turn as they dashed back and forth right across the path where you stood.
Many take up a prime spot on the cliff face itself and using it as a launch pad.

Several of the puffins were making sure that they could be heard as well as seen.

Next a close up photo

or they may have just been trying to catch the flies

and you could understand why as some did seem to be quite annoying..

Another two seemed to be having quite a conversation.

I also managed to capture one with it’s catch of the day, sand eels, before it scuttled down it’s burrow.

Finally, here are my last 3 picks in this collection from another fab day on Skomer Island.