Mount Untersberg
Mount Untersberg is another destination which is a short bus trip from Salzburg. I used the 840 bus to get to the cable car at Grödig, the no.25 bus is an alternative option. The Untersberg cable car journey up to the Untersbergbahn Mountain Station sitting on the Geiereck peak is in my opion well worth it, as it provides you with stunning views of Salzburg basin and Berchtesgaden Alps, and saves a walk up!
Here are some panorama views from the Untersbergbahn Mountain Station

I then walked the short distance along a wide easy path and up some steps to reach Salzburger Hochthron summit.

Here are few photo’s of the impressive views of the surrounding Berchtesgaden Alps found a the summit.

The last one looking back towards the Untersbergbahn mountain station.