Lake Königssee and Jenner Mountain
The weather held up for 3 days running and so once again headed out of Salzburg on the 840 bus across the border into Germany, this time to see Lake Königssee & Jenner Mountain. On arrival we decided to use the cable car to Jenner Mountain mid-way station for the views (top station wasnt open yet).
There were a few cows with the clanking bells as we walked up to Dr Beck Haus for a spot of lunch.

Here is the view through the trees.

Next up was the boat trip across Lake Königssee to enjoy the stunning scenery as you slowly travel across the lake,

We went passed St. Bartholomä Church to Salet to get to Lake Obersee.

This dazzling blaze of sunrays hit a small island on the Lake as we made the short walk to Lake Obersee.

Here is Lake Obersee.

And a final photo as we returned to get the boat.

A great day.