Another must whilst in Garmisch-Partenkirchen was to go up Alpspitze which is also only a short bus ride away.
On a clear beautiful day I again took the easy option up, the Alpspitzbahn cable car to the top station and the AlpspiX viewing platforms.

You do need a good head for heights if you want to walk on the AlpspiX viewing platfroms as they hang out over the edge of the mountain with dops of over 1000 metres below. I don’t so only managed about 3/4 of the way!
Here is the view of Hoher Ziegspitz & Kramerspitz from the cable car station.

We then decided to hike down to Kreuzeck and get on the Kreuzeckbahn cable car back down to Kandahar and the short bus ride back to Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
This is a scenic walk with stunning views of the surrounding Teufelsgrat mountains and countryside.

There was one scary section just after you pass Hochlam mid station, with sheer drops on one side of the widish path.

Here is looking back, and you can just about see the drop on the right.

You also get glimpses of Zugspitze through the trees as you approach Kreuzeck cable car station.

Another wonderful day and highly recommended.