Cokin P173 Varicolour Blue/Yellow Filter Review
A while back I visited The Luminous Landscape web site, and a couple of shots prompted me to purchase the Cokin P173 varicolour Blue/Yellow Square filter. As I already own the Cokin P series adapter rings to fit my Zuiko Olympus Om lenses, I was able to use this square filter straight away as it slots into them. The main reason for deciding to purchase this filter was because I wanted to try out something different with my landscape shots. The Cokin P173 varicolour Blue/Yellow square filter is a polarise filter with a difference, as depending on the angle of rotation that you use it will accentuate either the blue or yellow spectrum.
These are my results so far from a couple of locations on the Dorset coast. First up is a set taken at Worbarrow Bay, which you can walk to from the car park at Tyneham village car park. Although the weather had bright intervals there was some sea mist about, and so I chose to use the yellow spectrum with the shot (intending to create a warmer effect). Anyway here are the results. The first is without the filter, whilst the second is with the filter. I used the same roll of Fuji Sensia 100 film, aperture setting (F16), and lens (Zuiko Olympus OM 24mm F2).
Without the filter

With the Cokin P173 varicolour blue/yellow filter, yellow spectrum accentuated

I hope you can see that using the polariser filter has increased the warmth of the shot, plus lifted the detail out in the cliff.
Next up is a set from Mupe Bay along the same coast line that is accessible by walking from Lulworth Cove car park. If you are thinking of visiting please note that it is a fair distance away from the actual car park. Here I tried out accentuating both spectrums, finding the blue to produce the better result. The accentuation of the yellow spectrum didn’t seem to make a great deal of difference to that straight out of the camera.
Here I used Fuji Velvia 50 slide film, aperture F16 and again the same Zuiko Olympus Om 24mm f2 lens.
Without the filter

With the yellow spectrum accentuated

and finally with the blue spectrum accentuated

Finally, I spotted these leaves on a tree in Fritham being boosted by a shaft of sunlight. Both shots on Fuji Velvia 50 slide film using my Zuiko Olympus OM 35-80mm F2.8 lens at F16.
Without the filter

and this time with the Cokin varicolour Blue/Yellow filter accentuating the yellow spectrum.

The only way to get to know what the filter will do is to look through the viewfinder with it attached, and sometimes it can produce some ugly effects. So far the initial results are quite pleasing and I will look to add more to this post after greater use in different situations.
Hi, I have been considering these filters for a while, and I was considering this Blue/yellow as an alternative to a wratten 12 to use with some EIR I have acquired. Having looked at A LOT of pages, yours was the one that convinced me this was the wrong direction. Thank you!
Hi Matt,
I am glad you found my article of use. Here’s hoping you get the results you are looking for.
Best Regards