Damselfies & an Emperor Dragonfly
This Saturday and Sunday of the bank holiday weekend saw another visit to the local Blashford Lakes nature reserve primarily on the lookout for dragonflies and damselflies, after recently discovering it to be a reasonably decent venue for them. Both days proved productive, with all shown here found beside the path that runs behind the Education centre alongside Ellingham Lake, little was spotted on the other side of Ellingham Lake.
The highlight of the weekend was finding this freshly emerged Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator). A first for me.
All of the damselflies I photographed over the 2 days were blue damselflies, in fact 2 different types if my identification is correct. If you are like me and need as much help as possible in identifying the different types then I highly recommend this blue damselfly ID page on this site.
1. The Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum), the first of which is having a snack.
2. The Azure Damselfly (Coenagrion puella), which features the coenagrion spur that is absent on the Common Blue.
There are also an abundance of Blue-tailed Damselflies (Ischnura elegans).
This Blue-tailed is a immature rufescens.
Whereas this one is a immature infuscans.
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