A Wasp and a few flies
This is the 1st post in what will be a June series of macro and close up photo’s taken at Blashford Lakes nature reserve over the last few weeks.
This post features a wasp and a few of the variety of flies found here at this time of year.
Here is the wasp, and the 1st photo I have taken of a A Ichneumon Wasp

Now the flies, starting with some that are distinctly unusaul.
A Stripe-legged Robberfly (Dioctria linearis).

A yellow haired fly

and a Drosophila fruit fly

The next photo’s include a little bit of action.
This scavenging hoverfly.

A Green Pied Hoverfly (Volucella pellucens) using its tongue to get to the nectar of a bramble flower.

In the next image I used for the 1st time Camera Raws radial filter to alter the effect and colour of the background in the top left corner.

Finally a close up of the head of a Marsh Snipefly (Rhagio lineola) and a profile shot of the Dance or Dagger fly.

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